Monday 26 March 2018

To care about "being pretty": is it a privilege?

More or less, this post is under the same umbrella as my previous one, which also talked about personal care and "well-groomed girls"―or "pretty girls", depends on what term you prefer. And just like any other writing that fall under "Thoughts" category, what's written here is my own pondering. A monologue. Soliloquy. The only difference is that I made it available to be read by other people, so they perhaps can share their own perspectives on the comment section. Hopefully, nicely. If you can't share your opinions with decent mannerism, let's just say that I have full authority to filter them (see here for references). And worry not, this one won't be fully in English. This is just a disclaimer paragraph. A long one, it is.

Beberapa hari lalu, saya membaca berita mengenai Menteri Susi Pudjiastuti yang diundang sebagai pembicara di acara Beautyfest 2018. Sumbernya ada banyak, tetapi sebagai contoh, bisa dicek di sini atau di sini. Berhubung saya sendiri tidak menghadiri event tersebut, saya tidak tahu-menahu apa yang beliau sampaikan secara keseluruhan dan hanya bisa mendapatkan potongan-potongan yang dimuat media massa. Seperti apa yang diberitakan Kumparan ini:

And that got me thinking.

Saya yakin, jelas ada pihak-pihak yang tersentil dengan pernyataan tersebut. Termasuk orang-orang yang saya kenal cukup dekat. Apalagi melihat cara Kumparan mempresentasikan ucapan Bu Susi via gambar (saya tidak menyoroti caption). Sampai-sampai dibuatkan utas Chirpstory-nya tersendiri. Reaksinya pun beraneka ragam. Ada yang memberikan perspektif berbeda. Tidak sedikit pula yang langsung tersinggung atau kecewa, bahkan merespon dengan sarkasme. But then again, if anything, it got me thinking. After all, I am the one who wrote in my older piece that one shouldn't sneer at those who put extra efforts to do self-grooming. Putting on makeup, although a little different than personal care, is also considered as an effort for someone in presenting themselves to the world. Or even: as a  medium to channel one's creativity.

Sounds familiar? Because I've heard such things like hundreds of times. Kalimat di atas adalah apa yang banyak diterjemahkan sebagai ucapan khas "chapstick and mascara girls", yakni perempuan-perempuan yang dalam kesehariannya mengenakan relatif sedikit makeup terhadap mereka yang menyenangi aktivitas berdandan, dan punya perintilan jauh lebih lengkap. Faktornya bermacam-macam. Kadang jika sedang berbalas sindir dan ingin suuzon, dugaan utamanya adalah karena chapstick and mascara girls memiliki kemampuan merias diri relatif lebih rendah. To put it frankly: nggak bisa dandan. Pantesan sinis wong nggak punya skill, begitu kira-kira.

While that might be true for some scenarios, I think (or realize) that perhaps, to be able to take care or put extra attention about your appearance or self-presentation is actually a privilege which not every people―especially every girl―has. And that also applies to makeup. To be able to afford makeup kits and tools is something... what word should I use to say it, luxurious? Some people, with emphasis on girls, grow up with their minds focused on other things. Maybe about how to help their parents make ends meet. Maybe about how to pay their school tuition. Maybe about taking care of their siblings. Maybe they don't have enough freedom to choose how to spend their allowances. Or even: their minds are too preoccupied on how to still be alive today. These people, these girls, might succeed as they grow up and eventually find themselves a better way of living... and still don't understand why some other girls spend rather long time (hours, that is) to do their makeup because it's something they just can't relate. Even though now that they live well, and can take care of themselves better.

And somehow I don't think such statements or opinions contain malice.

Is this unpopular opinion? Does this make me 'the opponent' of makeup enthusiasts out there?
Entahlah. Saya sendiri tidak pernah mempermasalahkan antara less makeup atau more makeup, the so-called 'natural beauty' atau 'being dolled up'. Semua orang punya preferensi masing-masing tentang bagaimana mempresentasikan diri mereka di dunia. Kadang-kadang, berbeda bukan berarti 'salah'. 'Ketidakpahaman' pun tidak harus selalu diartikan sebagai serangan personal. Nevertheless, just as we hope other people to realize how much privileges they get, I suppose we should also count our privileges, no matter in what forms and shapes they come. Including the liberty to "do makeup" and "look pretty".

Have a nice day, lovelies.
z. d. imama


  1. Niat mempercantik/memperganteng diri salah satu konsekuensinya adalah meluangkan waktu untuk berdandan/merias/merawat/membersihkan,dll. Durasi lama tidaknya waktu yang diluangkan tergantung niatan, tujuan dan raihan yang ingin dicapai tiap individu. Meski pria, namun agak tersentil juga sih dengan pernyataan Bu Susi xixixi :D

    1. Memang waktu yang dibutuhkan beda-beda, mas. Tapi yang saya bahas dalam tulisan ini bukan soal itu...
