I landed a job at a Japanese company's office in Jakarta on my first interview.
Which is, to be honest, pretty surprising.
At least for me. Hell, it was my very first try at being interviewed for a corporate job and I would have never guessed I could knock it out of the ballpark. I'm really, really grateful for this chance, and now I just pray to not mess it up.
Ada beberapa alasan kenapa saya sendiri kaget dengan kenyataan ini.
Saya amatir. Saya tidak punya pengalaman bekerja yang mumpuni--selain sempat part-time di beberapa tempat. Saya juga bukan golongan yang diberkahi koneksi alias channel di mana-mana. Saya tidak pernah punya prestasi akademis maupun non-akademis yang mencolok, dan mahasiswa lulusan seangkatan yang IPK-nya jauh melebihi saya pun jumlahnya segudang.
In short,
I do not think I have the brightest, or wow-est, curriculum vitae.
(But somehow I managed to reap the fruit of my first interview. And even after accepting the job, I still got some calls from my later applications, asking if I'm still on a job hunt because they have an offer for me. Isn't that a little unbelievable for a greenie with zero-level experience?)
Maka saya berpikir mundur...
Mencoba melihat kembali apa yang saya ketahui, pikirkan, dan lakukan... yang barangkali--barangkali--dapat sedikit membantu sesama para amatir, atau calon-calon amatiran.
My experience may be irrelevant to your situation.
My so-called "insights" or "advice" may NOT be useful for you.
So it's perfectly fine if to you, this looks like a stupid rambling coming from a newbie.
Saya punya beberapa teman--dengan usia terpaut cukup jauh, seringnya--yang terbiasa menangani bidang human resource. Tidak jarang saya ngobrol-ngobrol dengan mereka. Kadang bercanda biasa, tapi terkadang serius atau malah jadi sasaran curhat masalah kerjaan. And in those fleeting moments, I learned some things, which in the end, turned out to be important.
1. Know (or decide) your starting point.
The smaller, the better. You will see it all from a closer look.
Masalah awal dari para pemuda usia kerja yang sedang job-hunting atau pengin bikin wirausaha sendiri adalah gue-nggak-tahu-mau-kerja-apa-atau-bikin-apa. It's okay, I was there too. I was really clueless on what I want to be. But then, I changed my perspective. Rather than trying too hard to find what I want to be (and failed miserably), I decided on what I do NOT want to be.
And that, was my starting point.
2. Specify again!
Going all over the place is not healthy for your own sanity. Trust me, it's more tiring than you think.
Setelah memutuskan kita mau ngapain (atau ogah ngapain), arahkan panah kita lebih jelas lagi. Mau kerja di perusahaan atau tempat yang seperti apa? Bergerak di bidang apa? I mean, we should not apply for an apothecary position and computer technician at the same time, That's just plain absurd. Perlu diperhatikan juga apakah kita ini kepengin berkecimpung di industri kreatif, korporasi, atau yang lainnya?
Because the "style" of our target company should affect on how we will present ourselves, and also the way we write our curriculum vitae (or resume).
3. Resume and curriculum vitae aren't exactly the same.
Guys, please just let this one thing get into your head.
Apalagi sekarang "creative CV" lagi hype banget.
Sampai rame-rame ada yang bikin jasa pembuatan CV kreatif, bermodal sedikit kemampuan CorelDraw atau Photoshop. Tapi tahukah bahwa apa yang kalian bilang "creative CV" itu pada dasarnya adalah resume, dan bukan CV? And it's important to know that you cannot treat your curriculum vitae the same way you do your resume.
Here's the slight difference, as far as I know.
When those short, essential information about you are shoved into a single piece of paper (or two), that's resume. You leave out many details (some times it becomes way too many) that considered have less importance, and you are also free to decorate it as flashy as possible. But one thing for sure: RESUME MOSTLY WORKS ONLY IF YOU'RE AIMING FOR A POSITION IN CREATIVE INDUSTRY.
For a corporate work (or working fields other than creative industry), curriculum vitae is what you bring to introduce yourself on paper. Penampilan CV harus clean, simple, sleek, easy to read, and less decorations. Isinya juga harus selengkap mungkin, sejelas mungkin. Bahkan ketika banyak yang bilang bahwa kolom 'Warga Negara', 'Agama', dan 'Jenis Kelamin' nggak perlu ditulis kalau nggak diminta... surprise, surprise! Sebaiknya disertakan aja, sih.
It helps the company to deal with us.
Selain itu, sejumlah perusahaan juga cenderung punya semacam 'blanko' tersendiri untuk calon pelamar yang memenuhi syarat ikut tes wawancara. Jadi mereka nantinya yang akan menyortir informasi apa yang paling diperlukan dari CV kita.
4. Effort, effort, effort.
"Youngsters nowadays act as if the world owes them life and prosperity," some old(er) people said.
Gimana, ya...
Nggak jarang fresh graduates yang belum apa-apa maunya dibayar mahal (mentang-mentang lulus cum laude), padahal skill nggak seberapa, pengalaman nol besar. Saya sendiri pun nggak mau di-underpaid, tapi setidaknya jangan keterlaluan lah kalau mau minta 'dongkrak' upah. Professional experience masih blank space (kayak lagunya Taylor Swift) tapi sudah menuntut dibayar selevel senior dengan minimal lima tahun pengalaman kan nggak tahu diri juga...
And most common mistakes: choosing money instead of mentor (or working environment).
Siapa sih yang nggak suka duit? Semua orang mau duit. Setiap orang butuh duit. Tapi untuk newcomer di dunia kerja, punya mentor dan lingkungan kerja yang suportif nan kondusif itu sebetulnya lebih bernilai untuk perkembangan kita daripada dilempar amplop gaji setebal buku Harry Potter.
But again:
This only applies if we are willing to make some effort.
No human beings and animals were harmed during the writing process of this post.
Not even a mosquito.
(Segala kritik, pujian, cercaan, pertanyaan, dan lain sebagainya terkait postingan ini dapat ditujukan langsung kepada saya.)
z. d. imama
Nice info :)