Wednesday 7 July 2010

To a boy who's left behind.

I used to spend days typing you short messages.

I used to engrave your name in diary entries.

I used to call you, sometimes without reasons at all.

Even looking at your back when you walked along school`s corridors.

I was acting stupid, I knew that.

I simply couldn`t help myself to stop.

 I also did nothing but staring, admiring, watching, silently.

My throat was always dry when it came to you.

My voice will never reach you, I see.

 That`s why I left.

It would be too painful to see you go after piles of dreams,

 and me was forgotten behind.

So I decided to leave you first, in order to not crumble in pieces.

Although the days without seeing your back were so hard,

I am okay.






Or not...?  

z. d. imama


  1. hmmt, seperti apa yang pernah [atau mungkin sedang??] terjadi padaku... -,-

    bedane, q masih blm yakin, apakah aq berada dlm posisi meninggalkan ato ditinggalkan... *sorry, numpang curcol*hehe

  2. heraminerva : haha, nggak apa dek, curcol genti di sini :D

    arin : siapa ya ? hehehe, mbo kalau ngomen itu yang enak dibaca :))

  3. Arin: lha opo lho riin... ah kau itu, sak2e thok, melu2 komment... mbak zul rung kenal kowe wiy... kenalke diri sik ngopo??

    mb.Zul: makasi ijinnya... oya, arin itu temen sekelas saya (tahun ajaran ini adlah taun kelima kami sekelas)... sori ye mbak, kalo komennya tuh anak bikin bingung... itu ditujukan utk komenQ og mbak (" yu' " itu panggilanQ)

  4. hem..nek sing ini mesti bikinan lokal..aku ketok e wes tau krungu gosip e tp sih durung pathi cetho sopo..sik,tak investigasi sik karo cah2..
    aku ii opo to sing ra ngerti..
